ezSearch.co.za Business Directory

South African Business Directory

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Contact us

Google GOOGLE PENALTY / CREDIT / PR Ranking / Reciprocal links: Links on this site are NOT followed on Google!
They have a rel="nofollow" tag and your site is NEVER penalised or credited on Google as a result of your listing in our directory.

No SpamYour website benefits from additional traffic. This is a result of people finding your site in our directory. We are not a link farm and google should neither credit or penalise your link.

If your intention is to create a link to your site for search engines, then we regret to inform you that you are on the wrong site.

We send additional visitors to your site, we do not provide links.

  • We keep our diretory as clean as possible and remove malware and bad sites as soon as we are aware of them.
  • Inclusion is free, subject to the site adhering to our submission guidelines at all times
  • You may request to have your site removed by contacting us by email
  • Include the full URL of your submission
  • Your email must be the same as the one you used to submit the site, or the same domain as the URL being removed, as an obvious example : a yahoo, hotmail or gmail account cannot be used to remove a listing unless it is the same email account that was used to submit the listing.

Contact ezSearch business directory South Africa


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