Safety & Security
Results 1 - 30 of 459 found in Safety & Security
Absolute Access CCTV, access control, fire detection and intrusion security services in Port Elizabeth.
Action training Global Rank: 1,646,081 presenting a variety of OHS courses supplemented with practical experience and current trends in emergency first aid
Health And Safety Training - Leading Action training providers in S.A Enthusiastically presenting a variety of OHS courses supplemented with practical experience and current trends in emergency first aid.
Advance Group to Business Networking and Support - GPS Tracking of Personnel, Pets, Vehicles and Cargo.
Alex Gintan Associates in corporate compliance audits and risk assessments, occupational health and safety.
Amabamba Perimeter Security Fencing and maunfacturer of perimeter fencing, gates and electrified fencing for domestic, industrial security applications.
Arcfyre International Global Rank: 11,849,635
http://www.arcfyre.comArcfyre International is a specialist security company committed to provide executive protection & security chauffeur services.
Astron SA (South Africa) Global Rank: 5,079,194 Free Alarm Systems -Our Vision is to provide appropriate electronic security products and services in the most efficient manner to secure the safety of our clients and their properties
AstronSA - If it's worth protecting, it's worth Astron AstronSA - Electronic security products and services in the most efficient manner to secure the safety of our clients and their properties in the domestic, commercial and industrial markets.
AVS Security Global Rank: 10,352,246 and repairs.
Welcome to All Version Systems AVS Systems
Bang Alert Global Rank: 13,116,390 alarm crime-prevention.
Welcome to Bang-A-Lert - Protection, Bang Alert, Security, Alarm, Crime-Prevention, Burglerproofing, Trip-Wire, Warning, BANGALERT Protection Bang Alert Security Alarm Crime-Prevention Burglerproofing Trip-Wire Warning BANGALERT
Bar-one Security Global Rank: 10,905,052 Security is a leading supplier in security products and related equipment.
Bar-One Security (Pty) Ltd, security solutions for your home and your business Security, electronic and automation security products from Bar-One Security.
Bar-One Security (Pty) Ltd Security (Pty) Ltd are precision and small engineering manufacturers
Bar-One Security (Pty) Ltd, high quality security solutions for your home and your business, including security gates, buirglar proofiong, driveway gates, balustrading and decorative steelwork Physical home and business security products - security gates, burglar proofing, driveway gates - and high quality decorative steelwork and balustrading from Bar-One Security.
BH Security Services no contract residential and business security in Cape Town.
Business Residential Personal Security BH Security providing no contract residential and business security in Cape Town
Blood Hound SA Global Rank: 7,351,819
http://www.bloodhoundsa.comProvider of real-time personnel tracking, RFID solutions, software technologies, resource management to security, healthcare industries
Healthcare Applications | Personnel Tracking | RFID Systems | Bloodhound Technologies Provider of real-time personnel tracking, RFID solutions, software technologies, resource management to security, healthcare industries
Blue Security Global Rank: 1,166,933 Security: With Blue Security, your safety is our number one concern
Blue Security - Home Blue Security - Durban's #1 alarm company.
BlueLock Bluetooth enabled receiver for access control
Welcome to Bluelock | BlueTooth® access control systems Bluelock is a company that revolutionize the way we access our access control systems by using BlueTooth® technology.
Cedar Storage Global Rank: 4,433,331 Storage Park in Kya Sands offers you a new and high-security self-storage facility based on international standards. We offer the best value for money in Gauteng for all your storage needs.
Centurion Systems Global Rank: 298,079 and distributes access automation equipment.
Centurion Systems - The Automatic Choice in access control, automatic sliding and swing gate motors, operators and openers, traffic barriers, garage door operator, intercoms, infrared beams and electronic keypad Centurion Systems offer a diverse and award-winning range of gate motors and other gate automation and access control products for residential, commercial and industrial applications.
CitiProtection Global Rank: 8,818,930 security service provider that is small enough to care yet big enough to deliver
Alarm Systems Pretoria | Armed Response | CCTV Cameras Pretoria Citi Protection is the top, quality provider of Alarm systems, Armed response in Pretoria, Burglar Alarm Systems For Homes and CCTV cameras in the Pretoria, Brits and Rustenburg Areas
Coetzer Fire Services Global Rank: 197,932
http://coetzerfireservices.freevar.comEast Londons premier fire and sprinkler solution company.
Forbidden Free Web Hosting Area provides unmetered traffic and free web space for domain or subdomain with php, mail, mysql, ftp support, no ads
Colt Security specialists in access control, alarm systems, CCTV systems, guarding services, perimeter protection and risk management.
Intro Turnkey security solutions company in Johannesburg South Africa
Command Security Services a full range of professional security services ranging from asset protection services to cyber crime.
ComPrac Western Cape Health & Safety Management
Occupational Health and Safety is essential to your business, safety management and risk assessments for mining, labour and pratitioners - ComPrac Holdings Safety in the workplace is critical to the success of running a business, no matter what size it is. As a business owner or manager you have certain rights and responsibilities regarding health and safety in your workplace.
CSI Africa
http://www.csiafrica.comFor all your security needs.
D&K Management Consultants Management Consultants, the continent�s leading risk and forensic consulting company, provides a broad range of investigative, intelligence, financial, security and technology services.
Private Investigators South Africa | Investigator Services Private Investigator Companies in South Africa. D&K are specialists in VIP Protection, Investigations, Polygraph, and undercover investigations.
Dafron Security & Defence Global Rank: 5,119,485 a supplier of electronic security products to the Trade and Retail markets.
Dafron Security & Defence - Home Dafron Security and Defence is a supplier of electronic security products to the Trade and Retail markets., Dafron Security and Defence is a supplier of electronic security products to the Trade and Retail markets
Davian Polygraph Services and lie detector tests. We offer a professional and effecient service to our clients in order to promote honesty, increase effeciency and to curb losses within the work place.
Deep Blue Detection and Reliability. Do polygraph examinations and polygraph tests, lie detection tests. Situated�in Johannesburg SA.
Deep Blue Detection - Validity and Reliability Deep Blue Detection - Validity and Reliability, Do polygraph examinations and polygraph tests, lie detection tests. Situated in Johannesburg South Africa. Specific tests, Pre-employment tests, Periodic tests, South Africa
Delta One your Home & Business.
Deposita Systems Global Rank: 994,860 Systems Cash management solutions electronic drop safe.