Food & Dining
Results 1 - 30 of 178 found in Food & Dining
Aquaspresso Coffee Company Global Rank: 583,312 Coffee Machines
Only the finest Home, Office and Restaurant Coffee and Coffee Machines The best coffee solution provider in South Africa
AVI Global Rank: 835,928 South African-based management company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in the Industrial-Food sector.
Black Forest Butchery German butcher offering the best quality meats and services.
Black Forest Butchery, South-African Meats, Traditional Master German Butcher Order your meat online with Black Forest Butchery, we have a full range of products available for purchase in Cape Town
Brenell Desserts Global Rank: 13,174,129 of the finest frozen desserts and cakes.
BRENELL™ DESSERTS - Finest frozen desserts and cakes - Welcome to Brenell Desserts! Finest frozen desserts and cakes South Africa
Cape Confections and exporter of food, diabetic and beverage products
Cape Honeybush Tea Honeybush Tea, Organic Rooibos and Honeybush Blend, Organic Rooibos and Organic Honeybush Green Tea.
Cheese SA Global Rank: 8,518,601 purpose of this site is to promote South African cheese by informing the consumer about the variety and quality of South African cheese.
Crystal Flow Water Purifiers and disinfects your water to leave you with purified (clean, safe, drinkable) water.
Natural Water Purification, Water Purifier System, UV Purifier, Water Filtration and Disinfection, Environmentally Friendly | Crystal Flow - Purified water throughout the whole home Natural Water Purification, Water Purifier System, Ultra-Violet, UV Water Purifier, Filtration and Disinfection systems, environmentally friendly
Dew Drop™ Purewater Global Rank: 7,045,950 African manufacturers of bottled distilled water, home and commercial water purification distillers.
Dew Drop Purewater - South African manufacturers of pure distilled water and distillers for drinking and medicinal purposes Water, Pure Distilled bottled water and water distillation systems for home and commercial use. We, Dew Drop Purewater are South African Manufacturers of these items.
Digitot: Digital Liquor Dispensers Global Rank: 3,685,118
http://www.digitot.comSpecialises in the manufacture and distribution of electronic liquor dispensers and computerised control systems to the hospitality industry
DigiTot - Welcome to our Website The International Leaders in Bar Management and Control.
The cornerstone of managing any organisation successfully is having accurate, reliable and timely business information. Bar management is no different. Effective bar management and control is essen
Dinnermates Global Rank: 18,181,489 and support of the food services industry.
Dry Ice International of dry ice and dry ice pellets. Providing dry ice for food and catering industries. Dry ice cleaning service to different industries.
Home - Dry Ice South Africa Dry Ice delivered country wide
Dryers for Africa Global Rank: 7,010,724 scale processing, agricultural equipment products, dried fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers, biltong bin, drying fish, macadamia nut etc.
Dryers for Africa online Specialists in agroprocessing and drying.
Elangeni Oil & Soaps Global Rank: 11,961,320 leading producer of high quality edible oils, toilet and laundry soaps.
Ellis Park Butchery Global Rank: 19,549,054 our processed and prepared meats are made in-house with our own secret age old recipies to ensure the best quality and taste.
Ellis Park Butchery Ellis Park Butchery is a family owned butchery in Durban. We cater for special functions. Visit our website for our weekly specials.
Empirestate Trading
http://www.empirestatetrading.comImporter, Wholesaler, Packer and Distributor of Nuts, Dried Fruit, Sweets and Snacks
Fair Cape
http://www.faircape.comFair Cape Dairies.
Finebros selling Fresh Produce (including fresh fruit and vegetables) at the Cape Town Market.
FineBros Fresh Produce Finebros are agents selling Fresh Produce (including fresh fruit and vegetables) at the Cape Town Market.
Gastro Foods caterers to the catering trade.
Gastro Foods - Home Page Gastro Foods the Home of Ricomondo - Producers of Fresh and Produced Meat Products.
Good Hope Meat Hyper of super quality fresh Halaal meat based in Salt River, Cape Town.
Healthwise Foods
http://www.healthwisefood.comBased in South Africa, we are the no. 1 exporters in quality guaranteed Rooibos tea products in Europe, USA, China and Japan.
Healthwise, THE PREFERRED EXPORTER OF ROOIBOS TEA PRODUCTS The rooibos world with healthwise foods, the preferred exporter of ROOIBOS TEA products.
HernPerk Chemicals Chemicals, Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Mining Chemicals, Food & Berverage, Transport, Logistics, Personal Care
Just Refrigeration Global Rank: 5,161,218 of high quality, self-contained refrigeration display equipment for the beverage, deli, bakery, butchery, catering, restaurant and pub industry.
Kleyn Begin Global Rank: 14,411,904 of biltong, droe wors, smoked snoek also suppliers of dried fruit and nuts and honey.
Manufacturers of high quality Wholesale BILTONG and DROEWORS Proud manufacturers of high quality biltong and droëwors and smoked snoek in Cape Town Western Cape
Marula Fruit Liqueur
http://www.amarula.comSouth african liqueur, Amarula Cream is made from the exotic Marula fruit. Amarula filled with African spirit of marula fruit, taste the exotic fruit of Africa.
Nestlé South Africa Global Rank: 463,044� has grown from producing milk and dietetic foods to providing a complete range of food and drink, becoming the world’s largest food company.
Home Nestlé is the world's leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. With headquarters in Switzerland, Nestlé has offices, factories and research and development centres worldwide.
Northern Catering Equipment (Pty) Ltd. of all catering equipment such as kitchen utensils, baking trays, ware, knives and plates mincers, ladles, milkshakemachines, pizza cutters, etc.
Picola Foods of whole kernel maize snacks, popcorn and hard extruded products
Picola Foods Whole Kernel Maize Snacks Manufacturer of whole kernel maize snacks, popcorn and hard extruded maize products
Progress Excellence: Unique Hygien Training Global Rank: 10,622,861 an unique approach to hygiene training. All our training modules are highly interactive.
Welcome to Progress Excellence - we take a unique approach to food safety related training Progress Excellence takes a unique approach to food safety related training. All our training modules are highly interactive, very interesting and many practical examples are used.