Visual Arts
Results 1 - 30 of 243 found in Visual Arts
Abilgail Sarah Bagraim professional artist living and working in Cape Town, South Africa. Abigail specialises in Jewish Mystical Theme.
Abigail Sarah Bagraim - South African Artist Abigail Sarah Bagraim is a professional artist living and working in Cape Town, South Africa. Abigail specialises in paintings on the Jewish Mystical Theme and has been working in this field for over 30 years.
ABolton Images collection of digitally adapted African images available on canvas using fine art grade materials, delivered worldwide.
Africa South Art Initiative African and Pan-African artists and their artwork, African artist directories, art education, art articles and more visual arts resources.
ASAI - Africa South Art Initiative Modern and Contemporary African Art- developing critical resources on art in Africa
An Artists Palette lessons through correspondence. Buy or view paintings done by South African Artists.
An Artists Palette Buy or view paintings done by South African Artists.
Ann Gadd Global Rank: 8,964,175 vibrant and prolific artist, reiki master and author.
Ann Gadd Ann Gadd is an author of 10 books translated across 14 different languages and one of South Africa's best selling and most popular artists.
http://www.arcyart.comBuy wildlife paintings and other quality original oil paintings by professional artist Rudi Carstens at affordable prices through
Original Oil Paintings, South African Art, Artists, Art Exhibitions, Art Galleries and Art History Arcy Art Original Oil Paintings brings you Oil Paintings, South African art, South African artists directory, South African art exhibitions, South African art galleries, South African art history, South African art news, art articles and an art dictionary
Artist Asha Zero arts.
asha zero artist asha zero: |cv|works|press|
Bursts of Joy on Paper
http://www.theozouves.comGalleries of fine art on hand made paper by Theo Zouves, female african artist.
Theo Zouves | "Bursts of Joy on Paper" South African Artist Theo Zouves paints contemporary and impressionistic flowers,
birds and fish, and sells original and giclee fine art prints.
Cape Gallery Global Rank: 5,785,874 in South African paintings, sculptures and ceramics.
The Cape Gallery , South African artworks The Cape Gallery official website, dealers in South African
Paintings, Sculptures and Ceramics. The Cape Gallery is based on 60 Church Street, is set in the
heart of the old city of Cape Town, South Africa
Circle of life metaphysical healer and artist Maritz describes himself as a metaphysical artist, whose work represents a geometric visual interpretation of the Aquarian age. The Age of Aquarius represents a time of spiritual evolvement o
Life Coach metaphysical life coach cape town
Delaney Global Rank: 14,332,458 producing stylish, contemporary oil paintings, based in Johannesburg.
Home - Delaney Artist My art reflects my personal perspective on life. My way of looking at things around me and how I deal with them defines my reality. My choice is to see the world as a beautiful place. My choice is to work with what I have been given, and create more beaut
Doug Powell of fine art and illustration.
Emile Manfeldt
http://www.manefeldt.comSouth African artist.
Emile Manefeldt Emile Manefeldt - Artist - Home Page
Hannes Harrs of the most significant South African artists who produces abstract works in mixed media. His work is totally unique with a strong African influence.
Hannes Harrs, a South African artist Hannes Harrs is one of the most significant South African artists of our time. His work is totally unique with a strong African influence and can be found in private homes and collections worldwide. His artwork includes a wide range of abstracts, mixed me
Hilton Edwards- South African Abstract Artist | Abstract Art | Modern Art | Abstract Paintings Online Art Gallery of Modern Art,Abstract Art, Modern Paintings, Abstract Paintings by South African Contemporary Abstract Artist.
Ian van Zyl
http://www.ianvanzyl.comArtist of Afrian wild life and landscapes.
South African Wildlife Artist Ian van Zyl Fine Art by South African Artist Ian van Zyl Buy Direct From The Artist.
Idea Exchange creative collaboration of Illustrators, designers and photographers with the capabilities to cater for all your creative communication.
Idea: Exchange The IdeaExchane Website
John-Clive Dawson-Squibb Global Rank: 21,573,764 Dawson-Squibb - Western Cape Artist
Lien Botha South African artist
a photographer's geography - lien botha Lien Botha, contemporary South African artist
Louis Chanu Bronze Sculpture bronze sculpture, large architectural sculpture and a large variety of garden art.
Bronze Sculpture by Louis Chanu Louis Chanu is a South African bronze sculptor. His work includes depictions of people of Africa, women of our time, wildlife and recently aviation art. Chanu lives the Elgin Valley near Cape Town.
Mariana Eksteen - South African Artist a portfolio site of South African Mariana Eksteen, here you can see some of her latest work. Mariana also does art therapy, get your free art therapy course downloads today.
Mariana Eksteen This a Portfolio site of South African Mariana Eksteen, here you can see some of her latest work. Mariana also does art therapy, get your free art therapy course downloads today.
Marie Stander - South African Figurative Artist figurative artist and she uses various media to portray her subjects.
MARIE STANDER - SOUTH AFRICAN FIGURATIVE & PORTRAIT ARTIST South African artist doing portraits, landscapes, figurative, commissioning, exhibitions, charcoals, oils, pastels
Modern Paintings art gallery of large acrylic and 3D paintings to enhance any home.
Iloma - South African Abstract Artist | Abstract Art | Modern Art | 3D Art | Abstract Paintings Online Art Gallery of Modern Art,Abstract Art, Modern Paintings, Abstract Paintings by South African Contemporary Abstract Artist.
Natasha Barnes fine contemporary artist.
Natasha Barnes - Natasha Barnes Natasha Barnes - Art is what I do!
Noel Hodnett - Painter
http://www.noelhodnett.comInternationally renowned South African artist Noel Hodnett.
Noel Hodnett - Painter Website of internationally renowned contemporary artist Noel Hodnett
Nola Muller
http://www.nolamuller.comA South African artist known for African watercolours, unique bushman paintings.