Training Institutions
Results 1 - 30 of 273 found in Training Institutions
2KO International - Cisco, Linux and MCSE Training Global Rank: 2,195,619, Linux, Microsoft and graphic design training courses as well as online courses.
Computer Training Cape Town Courses South Africa Cisco | Linux Course | CCNP | MCSE IT Certification Centre Jobs Computer College Microsoft MCPD MCITP 2KO International offers IT training courses at our centre in Cape Town. We train Cisco (CCNA & CCNP), Linux, Microsoft (MCSE, MCPD, MCITP), Oracle, Comptia as well as bootcamps aimed at international certification whilst also offering a range of busi
Active English Global Rank: 14,180,717 extra-curricular english lessons for children and older throughout various locations in South Africa.
Extra-curricular Academic English for Kids in South Africa Active English offers Extra-curricular English lessons for children and older throughout various locations in South Africa.
Algoa Flight Centre Global Rank: 5,966,862 Training Centre.
Algoa Flight Centre Own your dream with Algoa Flight Centre, training professional pilots for more than 50 years!
Amandlolwazi Training Centre aid, fire fighting, health & safety training.
For First Aid, Safety and Fire Fighting training anywhere in South Africa Amandlolwazi Training Centre for all your safety training needs - anywhere in South Africa!
APPETD Global Rank: 7,589,161 in 1997, APPETD is the national body representing the interests of private providers of ETD in South Africa. It has come to be recognised as an ethical body that works toward establishing
Appetd Back - end Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system
Aquaculture Innovations | Fish Farming | Training Courses | Grahamstown Global Rank: 4,393,340 Service Providers to the regional Aquaculture Industry we are here to assist existing aquaculturalists as well as new entrants into the industry.
Aquaculture Innovations | Fish Farming | Training Courses | Grahamstown , As Service Providers to the regional Aquaculture Industry we are here to assist existing aquaculturalists as well as new entrants into the industry.
Beauty Schools Schools. For more information about beauty courses, Beauty therapy available in the website.
Beauty Schools - Distance Learning South Africa Beauty Schools is a distance learning or correspondence education college that helps individuals get their diplomas while studying from home.
Bible College Ministries International Interdominational Bible College. Study from Certificate to Doctorate at the best prices.
Elhanan Ministries - Bible college Elhanan Ministries International Interdominational Bible College. Study from Certificate to Doctorate at the best prices. South Africa
Centre for Applied Leadership Excellence
http://www.cale.orgLeadership training education development
Leadership OnTrack(TM) Leadership OnTrack(TM) is a system developed by CALE to aid the continuous development of leaders that is company specific.
Citrus Academy Global Rank: 19,887,828 at the beginning of 2005 aiming to create an enabling environment for skills development in the citrus industry.
Citrus Academy: Empowering skills development in the Southern African citrus industry Empowering skills development in the Southern African citrus industry – get free learning tools and all the information you need on bursaries, service providers and employment in the industry.
Dr Brian Jude seminars with the edu-trainer with a proven track record. Presentations will be tailored to suit your needs from 1 hour, to one week.
Training and Development South Africa | Dynamic Seminars Started in 1980 by Dr Brian Jude, Dynamic Seminars is a training and development company dedicated to the development of human resources.
Educent group of teachers offering remedial education.
Executive Coaching coaching, team coaching, life coaching and workplace coaching.
- Winning Habits - - Executive Coaching - Leadership Coaching - Workplace Coaching Business CoachingAs a business owner do you feel unable to cope with the cumulative demands of finance, sales, marketing, production and personnel etc ? Are you working long hours, no time to relax, stressed about your cash flow and disillusioned b
Faculty Training Institute Global Rank: 710,590 training of the highest quality to the IT industry.
Faculty Training Institute Training courses, competency assessments, maturity assessments, job profiling and other capacity-building services that will help you develop a mature community of practice in key roles
First Aid Training Learning Services offer first aid training beginning with first aid level one training.
Global Learning Services offer first aid training specifically first aid level one training Global Learning Services offer 1st aid training beginning with first aid level one training
Flight Training College - George Garden Route South Africa Global Rank: 2,536,939 specialise in professional pilot training from the basic Private Pilot Licence to the advanced Commercial Pilot Licence and Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Training South Africa Pilot Training Garden Route We specialise in professional pilot training from the basic Private Pilot Licence to the advanced Commercial Pilot Licence and Airline Transport Pilot Licence
Forex Academy Global Rank: 1,707,560 best value Forex training available in South Africa
Forex Training Courses in South Africa | Forex Courses The best value quality Forex classroom training available in South Africa given by a full-time successful Forex trader. Teaches several profitable trading systems during course.
Forklift Training Global Rank: 9,057,784 by Global Training as well as various other skills and legislated training.
Forklift training is offered by Global Training specialist forklift trainers Forklift training offered by Global Training as well as various other skills & legislated training
Forklift Training Centre
http://ftcentre.wordpress.comWe offer training for forklift (Hyster / lift truck), Hazchem (Dangerous Goods), etc.
Formula-D Interactve Design Global Rank: 21,377,485 D Interactive Designs, designs interactive learning tools for corporate, school, science centre and museum environments deploying cutting edge media technology.
Designing Interactive Learning Environments - Formula D Interactive Formula D Interactive designs interactive learning tools for corporate, school, science centre, and museum environments deploying cutting edge media technology.
H & L Training School Global Rank: 8,668,790 Training School is a TETA Registered Driven and Lifting Machinery training company situated in Midrand. We provide operator training and licensing of all makes and models of forklifts
Forklift Training School | Forklift License | Mobile Crane | Truck Mounted Crane | Overhead Cranes | Hospitality Training | Table Attendant | Waiter Training H&L Training School provides training for operators of forklifts, overhead cranes, mobile cranes as well as truck mounted cranes. We also offer hospitality training courses for waiters and table attendants. Ideally situated in Midrand, Gauteng we cate
Home at Saj Training specialize in technical, management and computer training.
Home Developing People all the way
Hospitality Guru and consulting for the South African service industry by internationally experienced consultants and staff.
Hospitality Training & Consulting South Africa Service Industry Bar Restaurant Hospitality Guru - Training and consulting for the South Africa service industry by internationally experienced consultants and staff. Bar, restaurant and hotel specialists.
ilearn Global Rank: 1,327,250, online training provides you with a platform of interactive elearning courses, designed to give you the most flexible way of acquiring new skills.
Online Training and Onsite Instructor Courses | Interactive Learning | iLearn iLearn provides Onsite Instructor and Online training methodologies. Training entails business skills, IT desktop applications, IT technical, design & media and language courses.
Imsimbi Training Global Rank: 853,370 South Africans in the public and private sectors in skills development and leadership.
Inlingua Language Training Centre internationally recognised Inlingua Language Training Centre in Cape Town teaches English to foreign students.