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South African Business Directory

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Educational Organisations

Results 1 - 12 of 86 found in Educational Organisations
African Dream Global Rank: 5,308,059
A fully fledged equestrian centre providing horse back safari trails and a truly unique African experience.
African Leadership Academy Global Rank: 418,828
World-class, Pan-African secondary institution that aims to educate and develop outstanding students into principled, ethical leaders for Africa.
Cape Town Internship - South Africa - Cape Intern Global Rank: 3,097,368
Organise your OWN internship in Cape Town with FREE tips and guidelines! Internship information and advise about; internships database, accommodation, car rental, recommendations of previous interns,
CEEF Africa
Skills development is about changing peoples lives and about aligning skills to our economy.
Centre for Higher and Adult Education - University of Stellenbosch Global Rank: 13,174
A professional research, training, development and consultation service in the fields of higher and adult education and lifelong learning.
The association for children with language, speech and hearing impairments.
Federation of Associations of Governing Bodies for South African Schools Global Rank: 1,135,280
FEDSAS is the national representative organisation for governing bodies.
First Step
We offer a breakdown of all the tertiary institutions in the country, top companies to work for, gap year options and a whole bunch more!
Immunopaedia Global Rank: 892,967
An HIV paediatric clinical case study-based immunology site of the Elizabeth Glaser International Leadership Award funded programme Thuiso ka Tsebo.
Joint Education Trust Global Rank: 4,967,181
Established in 1992 to administer a R500-million contribution to education development by the corporate partners.
Leadership Institute. Global Rank: 13,474,063
Training & Training Material Development & Design. NQF Skills Programmes, Short Skills Courses, SAQA Training Workshops.
No Dirt Global Rank: 8,843,650
Lifestyle awareness.
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Educational Organisations


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