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http://www.comx-computers.co.za ~ ComX Computers

http://www.comx-computers.co.za ~ ComX Computers ~ Computers


This page has been viewed 95,322 times.

ComX Computers

ComX Computers - for Computer sales in Africa: Computer hardware, software, peripherals : servers, laptops, desktop computers including Acer, HP, Lenovo (IBM), Asus, Gigabyte, Toshiba

About comx-computers.co.za

About comx-computers.co.za

Security score: There is no trusted score currently More info

There are no redirects for http://www.comx-computers.co.za and the site was active and in working order when it was last checked.

This site was last checked on 2025-01-29 22:01:56
The information that we have in our database for comx-computers.co.za is displayed in this table.

Site info comx-computers.co.za
Date updated 29 January, 2025
Traffic rank (International) 91,281
Traffic rank change Rank decrease  -4,594 
Top country rank (India) 120943
Links in 107
Any new information will be updated and displayed below this table.
Global rank: 91,281  -4,594 

There are 91,280 sites with a better global Alexa traffic rank than comx-computers.co.za. The site has decreased in popularity worldwide by 4,594. The site has a rank of 1,390 in South Africa.
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  • www.southafrica.to/ ~ Cheap flights & car rentals South Africa
  • www.satopsites.com/ ~ SA Topsites :: - Rankings - All Sites
  • www.prophecy.co.za/ ~ :: Prophecy C.U.B.E.D.
  • www.pricecheck.co.za/ ~ PriceCheck.co.za - South Africa s price comparison website
The website belongs to the category "Computers and Internet/Shopping".

The performance was last updated: 2025-01-29 22:01:56

This website was family friendly when it was last checked.

How fast does comx-computers.co.za load?
The site loads in 3.484 seconds on average, and 81% of other websites load faster.

How many sites link to comx-computers.co.za?
There are 107 links to comx-computers.co.za.
comx-computers.co.za visitors

From which countries do comx-computers.co.za visitors come from?

India IN IN

Rank in country: 120943
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.8%
Contribution to total by users: 2.2%

Indonesia ID ID

Rank in country: 74347
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.6%
Contribution to total by users: 1.0%

Egypt EG EG

Rank in country: 29928
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.1%
Contribution to total by users: 1.3%

Thailand TH TH

Rank in country: 67005
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.4%
Contribution to total by users: 0.6%

Bangladesh BD BD

Rank in country: 31743
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.4%
Contribution to total by users: 0.5%

Malaysia MY MY

Rank in country: 49830
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.5%
Contribution to total by users: 0.7%

Philippines PH PH

Rank in country: 41898
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.4%
Contribution to total by users: 0.7%

Pakistan PK PK

Rank in country: 44506
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.7%
Contribution to total by users: 1.0%

United States US US

Rank in country: 278306
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 2.6%
Contribution to total by users: 3.8%


Rank in country: 2747
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.5%
Contribution to total by users: 1.2%


Rank in country: 19662
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.4%
Contribution to total by users: 0.6%


Rank in country: 3404
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.1%
Contribution to total by users: 0.9%

Iran IR IR

Rank in country: 50524
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 2.1%
Contribution to total by users: 2.9%

Australia AU AU

Rank in country: 67171
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.0%
Contribution to total by users: 1.5%


Rank in country: 12268
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.4%
Contribution to total by users: 0.5%

Saudi Arabia SA SA

Rank in country: 25842
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.3%
Contribution to total by users: 1.7%

Nigeria NG NG

Rank in country: 34879
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.1%
Contribution to total by users: 1.1%


Rank in country: 2525
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.8%
Contribution to total by users: 0.6%

Brazil BR BR

Rank in country: 113216
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.8%
Contribution to total by users: 1.2%

Greece GR GR

Rank in country: 53503
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.5%
Contribution to total by users: 0.8%

South Africa ZA ZA

Rank in country: 1390
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 61.8%
Contribution to total by users: 48.9%

Kenya KE KE

Rank in country: 11501
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.5%
Contribution to total by users: 0.8%

Qatar QA QA

Rank in country: 12137
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.5%
Contribution to total by users: 2.1%

Other countries

Rank in country: No Rank Given
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 15.0%
Contribution to total by users: 20.9%


Rank in country: 10416
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.7%
Contribution to total by users: 1.0%

Germany DE DE

Rank in country: 178801
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 1.0%
Contribution to total by users: 1.6%

comx-computers.co.za is ranked 1390 in South Africa ( ZA ) where 61.8% of all pages are viewed , and where 48.9% of visitors originate from.
comx-computers.co.za Safety

SAFETY: Is comx-computers.co.za Safe?

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Security report

No detailed reports available

The information displayed below is provided by ScamVoid and other online resources. ScamVoid displays information found on the Internet and summarises it on their website. If you believe this information is incorrect, please visit ScamVoid to see the original data.


1. Visit the site: comx-computers.co.za
2. Keywords: computers computer sales servers hardware software mp3 drivers laptops notebooks cameras digital acer proline hp toshiba lenovo ibm laptop laptops notebook notebooks acer hp lenovo toshiba mecer merce
3. Are there redirects or errors?
There are no redirects for http://www.comx-computers.co.za and the site was active and in working order when it was last checked.

This site was last checked on 2025-01-29 22:01:56
4. SEO Keywords
  • laptops
  • notebooks
  • laptop
  • notebook
  • computers
  • computer sales south africa
  • computers south africa
  • computer sales
  • computer
  • hardware
  • sales
  • South Africa
  • Pretoria
  • Johannesburg
  • Joburg
  • Cape Town
  • Durban
  • Port Elizabeth
High impact keywords
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Top search queries
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