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http://www.amazingholidays.co.za ~ Amazing Holidays - Package Holidays for South African Travellers

http://www.amazingholidays.co.za ~ Amazing Holidays - Package Holidays for South African Travellers ~ Tour Operators


This page has been viewed 24,389 times.

Amazing Holidays - Package Holidays for South African Travellers

From Game Parks in Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, Kenya, Namibia and South Africa; Beach holidays in Thailand, Mauritius, Bali; Local travel and hotel deals; Ocean cruises to and from South Africa.

About amazingholidays.co.za

About amazingholidays.co.za

Security score: There is no trusted score currently More info

There are no redirects for http://www.amazingholidays.co.za and the site was active and in working order when it was last checked.

This site was last checked on 2025-01-29 12:06:54
The information that we have in our database for amazingholidays.co.za is displayed in this table.

Site info amazingholidays.co.za
Date updated 29 January, 2025
Traffic rank (International) 773,323
Traffic rank change Rank decrease  -194,653 
Top country rank (South Africa) 11450
Links in 25
Any new information will be updated and displayed below this table.
Global rank: 773,323  -194,653 

There are 773,322 sites with a better global Alexa traffic rank than amazingholidays.co.za. The site has decreased in popularity worldwide by 194,653. The site has a rank of 11,450 in South Africa.

The performance was last updated: 2025-01-29 12:06:54

This website is likely to be family friendly. The system could not confirm this, however, there is no indication that is is adult themed.

How fast does amazingholidays.co.za load?
The site loads in 2.266 seconds on average, and 65% of other websites load faster.

How many sites link to amazingholidays.co.za?
There are 25 links to amazingholidays.co.za.
amazingholidays.co.za visitors

From which countries do amazingholidays.co.za visitors come from?

South Africa ZA ZA

Rank in country: 11450
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 99.8%
Contribution to total by users: 99.2%

Other countries

Rank in country: No Rank Given
Contribution by pageviews to total views: 0.2%
Contribution to total by users: 0.8%

amazingholidays.co.za is ranked 11450 in South Africa ( ZA ) where 99.8% of all pages are viewed , and where 99.2% of visitors originate from.
amazingholidays.co.za Safety

SAFETY: Is amazingholidays.co.za Safe?

Is amazingholidays.co.za a scam or legit?

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Security report

No detailed reports available

The information displayed below is provided by ScamVoid and other online resources. ScamVoid displays information found on the Internet and summarises it on their website. If you believe this information is incorrect, please visit ScamVoid to see the original data.


1. Visit the site: amazingholidays.co.za
2. Keywords: ocean cruise hotel deals mauritius honeymoon safari mozambique botswana zambia kenya namibia beach vacation thailand bali
3. Are there redirects or errors?
There are no redirects for http://www.amazingholidays.co.za and the site was active and in working order when it was last checked.

This site was last checked on 2025-01-29 12:06:54
4. SEO Keywords
  • amazing holiday
  • vacation specials
  • travel deals
  • holiday package
  • safari
  • beach
  • hotel
  • cruise
  • honeymoon
  • deals
  • specials
  • mauritius
  • thailand
  • bali
  • madagascar
  • cape town
  • botswana
  • mozambique
  • namibia
High impact keywords
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10. cruise specials
11. holiday destinations
12. holiday packages
13. amazing holiday destinations
14. travel specials
15. holiday deals
Top search queries
Users find this site on search engines using these keywords
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9. amazing holiday destinations
10. amazing holiday desitinations
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