ezSearch business directory - South Africa Dial Direct
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ezSearch business directory > Agriculture
Submission Guideline
  • Submit your web site to just one category (the most accurate one according to your content)
  • No "affiliate" sites, only original sites accepted.
  • No adult sites or medical products aimed at adults.
  • No repeating of sites that have already been added in other categories - all your sites will be removed
  • Non South African business sites require a link back to this site or another partner site
  • This is not a link farm and all sites are reviewed before being added.
  • New: Facebook page Facebook business pages are accepted and will display a Facebook logo next to your listing. You may add one facebook page and one normal page for your business.

Submit the data:
Website URL
Company name / Title(5-100 characters)
Please do not include URLs or keywords here - this must be the company name ONLY.
      Your site will be REJECTED if you attempt to place unrelated keywords here.

Description (50-200 characters) - please do not include URLs here
Keywords (20-200 characters)
Webmaster email address (* privacy statement)
Reciprocal link full URL including page (optional)
Priority listing!
Link back to this site and get exposure across all our pages and get a top slot on your category page. No reciprocal? A REDIRECTED link with nofollow is used. More details below.

I have read and agree to this site`s submission policies and terms of use
Please check this box once your have read our terms

South Africa ANTI-SPAM QUESTION: This directory is exclusively for websites in South Africa and in Africa.
Please do not submit your site if you are in another country.

What is 10 + 0 =
Please answer the math question

How to add a reciprocal link and get a priority listing
Creating a link back to this site will offer you these benefits
  1. Your link will appear randomly with other priority listings across all pages
  2. Your link will become a fixed link and not a redirected link with distinct advantages in Search engines

To create a back link, you may refer to this site anywhere on your site in any way you prefer. We do not provide a standard anchor link. Google wants natural linking, and we offer you the opportunity to create a link to our site in any way you feel will promote this service. You may for example just refer to the site without an anchor link at all, just plain text is sufficient.
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